ROH:7.26PPV「Death Before Dishonor」の女子王座戦2試合が発表!アテナvsアミナタ、スタークスvsベルベット、手負いの世界王者アテナは防衛することが出来るのか。

7月26日金曜日に開催されるROH Death Before Dishonorで行われる2つのタイトルマッチが発表されました。 女子世界チャンピオンのアテナは、クイーン・アミナタを相手にタイトルを防衛することになりました。この試合は木曜日のROHで発表されました。アテナは5月から活動を休止しており、リング上での欠場はストーリー上の負傷が原因とされています。女子世界チャンピオンは5月の最後の試合で怪我の恐怖に苦しみましたが、それはストーリーの中で誇張されています。 アテナの「手先」ビリー・スタークスもDeath Before Dishonorでタイトルを防衛します。PPVでレッド・ベルベッドを相手にROH Women's TV 王座の防衛戦を行います。 木曜日の放送では、リー・モリアーティーがROH Pure Championship Proving Groundの試合でウィーラー・ユータとタイムリミットで引き分けたので、チャンピオンシップへのチャンスを手に入れましたが、まだPPVでは公式に発表されていません。 Wrestling Observer 

SENDAI:"FINAL BOSS" admires ”detachment from the real world"!!Hashimoto Chihiro vs Veny turned out to be a spectacular wrestling match!

"FINAL BOSS" admires detachment from the real world.

Hashimoto Chihiro and Asuka a.k.a Veny wrestled for the SENDAI GIRLS World champions. We both had background wrestling experience and it was very physical and shocking wrestling. Known as FINAL BOSS, the boss of the company, Satomura Meiko, is surprised that the SENJO title match has gone so far.

Chihiro has defended this throne many times before. She's been a defense during the pandemic, especially in the last three years, and I can thank her for supporting SENJO. However, Veny's victory here could be considered a new beginning for SENJO.

Furthermore, the winning Veny was immediately preceded by Iwata Mika. She later confessed that she had not been able to look directly at Chihiro. However, her recent fights have been very heated and totally different from her previous ones. Today was another wrestling match between tag partners with Takase Miyuki, but it was a very tough match.

In the semifinals, wrestlers Reiwa Artema Powers, DASH Chisako, Matsumoto Hiroyo vs Mizunami Ryou and Manami wrestled for the tag champion. In this, Manami, who has a short career, made a surprise attack of his own, but Chisako won in the end.

But SENJO won't stop. Tomorrow, December 5, Chihiro will take on Unagi Sayaka and Oka Yukari in a handicap match. Yukari insists that he is the one to assess Sayaka and wants a single match. Veny will be a single match with Millie Mckenzie. Once again, Veny's reign as king may change your perspective a bit. She has two names, Asuka and Veny, because she is considering activities overseas. The name Veny was coined for overseas, and a fight with Millie, who wrestled for NXT UK, could be a good opportunity for the champion.





